Tarn Duong Research Software CV
These instructions are for calling LinBugs inside R on a Unix-type system, with a z-shell.
  1. In your .bashrc, add your version of two following lines
    export LINBUGS_HOME="/c/tduong/home/bin/openbugs"
    export LINBUGS_TEMP="/c/tduong/home/temp"
    where LINBUGS_HOME is the directory where you want to install LinBugs and LINBUGS_TEMP is the directory where LinBugs writes its temporary files.

  2. Download LinBUGS which is contained inside the file available from
    Unpack this into $LINBUGS_HOME. After unpacking, check that there is a file called cbugs. If not, download it from
    If there is already a file called linbugs in $LINBUGS_HOME, copy it to another file e.g. linbugs.orig. Create a file called linbugs containing the following commands
    export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
    if [ \! -e $LINBUGS_TEMP ] ; then
            mkdir $LINBUGS_TEMP
    if [ -e ] ; then
            ./cbugs "$LINBUGS_HOME" "$LINBUGS_TEMP" "/"
            ./cbugs "$LINBUGS_HOME" "$LINBUGS_TEMP" "/"
  3. Check that LinBugs is executing properly by typing in the command line whilst in the directory $LINBUGS_HOME
    Something like
    OpenBUGS ClassicBUGS release 2.1.1
    type 'modelQuit()' to quit
    should appear in the command line. Quit from LinBugs by typing modelQuit().

  4. The R interface functions for LinBugs are
    ## Simple R interface for LinBugs
    ## Execute LinBugs from inside R session
    ## Parameters
    ## file - file of LinBUGS commands
    ## Returns
    ## Invisible
    rlinbugs.exec <- function(file)
      system(paste("bash $LINBUGS_HOME/linbugs <", file), ignore.stderr=TRUE)
    ## Reads CODA output files into R objects
    ## Parameters
    ## stem - stem for CODA output files
    ## chain.num - chain number
    ## Returns
    ## Matrix with 3 columns
    ## first column is "iter" = iteration number
    ## subsequent columns are the values of the each iteration of parameters
    ## in MCMC
    ######################################################################### <- function(stem, chain.num=1)
      varnames <- read.table(paste(stem,"CODAindex.txt", sep=""))
      n.var <- nrow(varnames)
      n.iter <- varnames[1,3]
      output <- matrix(0, nrow=n.iter, ncol=(n.var+1))
      for (i in 1:n.var)
        if (i==1)
          output.temp <- read.table(paste(stem,"CODAchain", chain.num, ".txt", sep=""),
          output[,1:2] <- as.matrix(output.temp)
        else if (i>1)
          output.temp <- read.table(paste(stem,"CODAchain", chain.num, ".txt", sep=""),
                                    skip=(i-1)*n.iter, nrows=n.iter)
          output[,i+1] <- as.matrix(output.temp)[,2]
      colnames(output) <- c("iter", as.character(varnames[,1]))
    Save these into rlinbugs.R in your working directory. In my case it is, /c/tduong/home/research/bugs.

  5. The test data set we use is the Mistibushi age-price data set. It has two variables, price (in years) and age (in dollars). We wish to fit a simple linear regression of the form
    price = a + b*age

    In your working directory, create the following files. Unfortunately I can't quite force LinBUGS to read in files from the working directory (its default is to use $LINBUGS_HOME), so you have to specify the full address of all input/ouput files.

    File name Commands
    		for( i in 1 : N ) {
        		mu[i] <- a+b*age[i]
    			price[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau)		
    		tau ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001)
    		sigma <- 1 / sqrt(tau)
    		a ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-12)
    		b ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-12)
    a=0, b=0, tau=1)
    	age = c(13, 14, 14,12, 9, 15, 10, 14, 9, 14, 13, 12, 9, 10, 15, 11, 15, 11, 7, 13,
    	13, 10, 9, 6, 11, 15, 13, 10, 9, 9, 15, 14, 14, 10, 14, 11, 13, 14, 10),
    	price = c(2950, 2300, 3900, 2800, 5000, 2999, 3950,
    	2995, 4500, 2800, 1990, 3500, 5100, 3900, 2900, 4950, 2000,
    	3400, 8999, 4000, 2950, 3250, 3950, 4600, 4500, 1600, 3900,
    	4200, 6500, 3500, 2999, 2600, 3250, 2500, 2400, 3990, 4600, 450,

    In the samplesCoda command in carsbugs.txt, the second argument is known as the stem, and it creates output files of the form outputCODAchainN.txt where N is the chain number, and outputCODAindex.txt, in the directory /c/tduong/home/research/bugs

    Note that graphical functions are not yet (as of 31 Dec 2005) available in LinBugs.

  6. Start up R in your working directory. Some R code to implement the MCMC for the cars data is
    cars <-"/c/tduong/home/research/bugs/output", chain.num=1)
    The argument to stem in should be exactly the same as the stem in the samplesCoda.

    The text output in the R command line is something like

    OpenBUGS ClassicBUGS release 2.1.1
    type 'modelQuit()' to quit
    Bugs> model is syntactically correct
    Bugs> data loaded
    Bugs> model compiled
    Bugs> model is initialized
    Bugs> 10000 updates took 0 s
    Bugs> monitor set
    Bugs> monitor set
    Bugs> monitor set
    Bugs> monitor set
    Bugs> 10000 updates took 0 s
    Bugs>                          mean      sd        val2.5pc  median    val97.5pc sample
    a                        8428.0    890.5     6486.0    8418.0    10220.0   10000
    b                        -407.4    74.07     -554.9    -407.6    -243.6    10000
    Bugs>                          mean      sd        MC_error  val2.5pc  median    val97.5pc start     sample
    a                        8428.0    890.5     56.85     6753.0    8425.0    10230.0   10001     10000
    b                        -407.4    74.07     4.753     -554.6    -406.8    -266.0    10001     10000
    Bugs> CODA files written
    Bugs> >
    The output is cars which is a matrix with 10 000 rows and 3 columns. The first column is the iteration number i.e. 10 001 to 20 000 (since the burn in period was 10 000, and the chain is run for a further 10 000 iterations). The second column is the values of the parameter a for each iteration, and the third column is the equivalent for the parameter b.

    You can then proceed to manipulate the cars data set e.g.

    apply(cars[,-1], 2, mean)
    gives the mean for a to be 8427.6630 and for b it is -407.3614 which agree with the direct output from LinBugs; and
    plot(cars[,c(1,3)], type="l")
    which gives a plot of the trajectory of the MCMC for parameter b.

Document originally written by T. Duong in 2001, cosmetic updates June 2010.