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  1. Background
  2. How to run a simulation
  3. Results from a simulation
  4. How to create an interface between Splus/R and C
  5. References


Realistic stochastic traffic models require intensive and extensive computation. Splus/ R are high level statistical programming languages that make it easy to implement these complex models. However the downside is, due to their user-friendliness (and compiled nature), they are not the most efficient languages and not entirely feasible for realistically sized traffic network simulations.

As a compromise then, the most computationally intensive functions can be written in C (which is a more efficient programming language) to improve performance and leaving the rest of the (non-performance critical) functions in Splus/ R. The C code is dynamically loaded at run-time and called by the appropriate Splus/ R functions. This way usability is maintained AND efficiency improved.

Now this is pretty much standard: what is different about this software is that it you can control amount and type of traffic assignment. By changing the amount and type of reassignment, you can run simulations in much less time. There are two types of reassignment:

The important points to note about reassignment are: To ensure a minimum level of accuracy, a threshold is used. All travellers to be reassigned are randomly numbered 1, 2, 3, ... and all those that exceed the threshold are implicitly reassigned whereas those that don't are explicitly reassigned. This way, at least the threshold number of travellers are explicitly reassigned. This also means that implicit reassignment is not carried out if the total number of reassigned travellers is less than the threshold.

Please note that a label correcting algorithm is used here to find the shortest paths. This particular form of the algorithm uses the 'forward star' form of a network. Please see Urban Transportation Networks by Sheffi for further details.

How to run a simulation

Preparing the data

You must set up the datasets as the code expects it. The main input datasets are:

Network matrix

The network is an n_L x 6 matrix where n_L is the number of links in the network with respective columns:

Memory weights vector

The memory weights vector is of length n_W where n_W is the number of memory weights. These weights must sum to 1. In this example, the 5 memory weights are all equal to 0.2.

Using the Splus/ R functions

External functions

In this section, the functions that you will be using are described (in a format similar to the Splus/ R help). The function is used first before change.cost and assign.path can be used. The remaining functions (...) are used after assign.path has completed.

Once you have set up the datasets as detailed in the previous section, then converts the network to its forward star form, the demand and node-coordinate matrices into lists. The function header is, demand, node.coord, memory)
It takes the network, demand matrix, node coordinate matrix and the memory weights and returns a list of the appropriate data structures which is henceforth called the network specification.


The network specification is used by assign.path to assign travellers their minimum cost or shortest paths. The function header is (with the default values)
assign.path(net.spec, err = 'a', n.iter = 100, graph = 'n', scale = 100, = "save", default.init = 'y', spath.table.init,
    flow.mem.init, append = 'n', flow.hist.init, thresh = 100, ...)

where This function then returns a list with fields (you mostly will only need to look at the flow history - the other fields are used internally):

If graph is equal to 'y' is assign.path then a plot of the flow for each iteration is shown. This is recommended as it helps visualise the data and it doesn't decrease the speed of the simulation significantly. The graph has the following features An example of a plot is

If graph = 'n' then a message is printed in the command line stating which iteration the function is up to.

The function header is, scale = 100, flow, ...)


This function plots the flow history (output from assign.path) of a particular link.

The function header is

plot.flow.hist(net.spec, link, flow.hist,...)


This function was written to make easy changing the BPR cost parameters or the standard deviation corresponding to a link. The function header is
change.cost(net.spec, link, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL)


This function takes the flow history and calculates the total cost on the network for each iteration and the mean total cost over all iterations. The total and mean link flows (over time) are also calculated. The function header is
total.mean(net.spec, flow.hist, ...)
where This function then returns

Internal functions

In this section, the internal functions ie. these you will probably will not need to use. They have been provided for completeness.

Results from simulations

Example 1

A 3 x 3 grid is the test network. The cost structure is very simple: each link had the same BPR cost parameters ie. const = 10, coefficient = 0.0025 and power = 2 so the cost function for day i is where flow_i is the flow on day i. The memory weights are w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = w5 = 0.2 which means that each travellers puts equal emphasis on the past 5 days. So the measured cost on day i is for i > 5. Each link has an additive error so the where error ~ N(0, 9). The demand is 10 travellers for OD-pair (1, 9) and another 10 for OD-pair (5, 1). All travellers are explicitly reassigned on each day. The plot of the link flows on the 500th day is below. The red arrows indicate the direction and amount of flow on each link. The dotted lines indicate that there is no link in that direction.

On the 501st day, road works on link (1, 4) closes it off to traffic (in the south direction only). After another 500 iterations, the flow is shown below. Note that he traffic that used to flow on link (1,4) is now diverted to link (1, 2):

The flow history time series for link (2, 5) shows the break at iteration 500 where link (1, 4) was closed off:

The first 500 iterations took 94 s on a Celeron 550 MHz PC. The second 93 s. As there were 20 travellers in total, this equates to 10000 shortest paths.

Example 2

In this example, we use a real life network of the Leiceister RA area to display the more advanced features of the software, ie. in particular the way travellers are explicitly or implicitly reassigned. Here is a picture of the network: There are 30 OD pairs in the demand matrix with a total of 3827 travellers. The error on the link costs is a 10% multiplicative: where error ~ N(0, 0.01). The memory weights are again w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = w5 = 0.2. Unfortunately the data files are confidential so it can't be provided to you. In the cells in the table below, are the times that each simulation took to run through 100 iterations, as well as the mean link flow for link (13, 8): An infinite threshold just means that no implicit reassignment is performed hence all travellers are explicitly reassigned. Looking at the results in the table, there are two notable trends:

How to create an interface between Splus/R and C

Under Windows

Under Windows, shared libraries are also known as dynamic link libraries (DLLs) and have a .dll file extension.

The C compiler used was LCC Win32 - it is available free on the Internet. It is pretty nifty in that it can create DLLs in a single integrated project. I have also included instructions that can be used to create DLLs manually - these instructions can be easily(?) adapted to other C compilers.

Automatically creating DLLs

  1. Create a project. Suppose you call this project file. By default, LCC Win32 expects that the source file is called file.c and will create a DLL called file.dll. Next, on the "Definition of a new project" screen, remember to click the radio button for the dynamic link library in the bottom right hand corner. Select the directories where LCC Win32 expects input and output.
  2. On the next screen, don't use the application wizard. When you click "No" the next screen is to add source files. If you haven't written any source files, click cancel and continue with an empty project. You can add (and validate) files later, before compilation. Otherwise add and validate your source files (all the defaults should be OK.)
  3. For each function that you want to export (make visible) to Splus/ R, __declspec(dllexport) should be added to the function declaration to prompt the C compiler to export it. For example if the usual function declaration is
    void hello(int *world)
    then the exporting version is just
    void __declspec(dllexport) hello(int *world)
  4. Then just compile. LCC Win32 will create the DLL in the directory specified in step 1. It will also create an object file file.obj and export file file.exp (this second file contains all the names of the exported functions).

Manually creating DLLs

These instructions are heavily borrowed from the website for creating DLLs (for Gauss) written by Thierry Roncalli.
  1. Cut and paste the dll.tpl file (found in, say, C:\lcc\lib\wizard) before the actual function code.

    For each function that you want to export (make visible) to Splus/ R, __declspec(dllexport) should be added to the function declaration to prompt the C compiler to export it. For example if the usual function declaration is

    void hello(int world)
    then the exporting version is just
    void __declspec(dllexport) hello(int *world)
  2. Remember to set the PATH environment variable in your autoexec.bat e.g.
    if the LCC Win32 binary .exe file is in the directory C:\LCC\BIN (This only needs to be done once and you may need to restart your computer for Windows to update the PATH variable).
  3. Move into the directory with the source code file.c is. The following commands will produce a DLL. This will create an object file file.obj and export file file.exp (this contains all the names of the exported functions).

Under Unix


To create a shared library of file.c simply type in the command line
R CMD SHLIB file.c
This will automatically create the object file (file.o) and the shared library ( Then just run R as usual.


I have used Splus 5 for this (mostly because the machines that have older versions of Splus installed on them don't support shared libraries), the process is much much simpler. Just type in
in the command line, in the directory where file.c is. Then type in
Splus5 make
which creates the shared library ( as well as the makefile (makefile) and the object file (file.o). Please see the page by the Ohio State University Statistics Department for more details.

Dynamically (un)loading shared libraries into Splus/ R

Under Windows

After creating a DLL, you then need to load into Splus/ R. There is static loading (see Venables & Ripley). However dynamic loading is preferred as it is more time and memory efficient. The are two Splus/ R commands involved in using DLLs
  1. dyn.load is used to dynamically load the DLL
  2. .C is used to call the C function in the DLL
For example, to load file.dll then use
If the C function name is hello then in the file.exp it's known as _hello. This underscore is important! To check that hello has been loaded use
Suppose the C function is hello(int *world) and that it increments the value of the world parameter. Then to call this function in Splus/ R:
world <- 5
.C(symbol.C("_hello"), as.integer(world))
Hence, when using .C, a list of the modified values of all parameters that are passed into a C function is returned to Splus/ R.

To ensure that any difference between Splus/R and C in storing variables are correctly converted, use the correspondence outlined in the table below (adapted from Venables & Ripley and Writing R Extensions).

Splus/ R storage mode C type
long *, int *
long *, int *
double *
char **
Rcomplex * (contained in R.h)

To dynamically unload any loaded shared libraries, just use


Under Unix


The commands are similar to the Windows ones.
  1. dyn.load is used to dynamically load the DLL
  2. .C is used to call the C function in the DLL
For example, to load then use
To check that hello has been loaded use
Note there is no underscore like in Windows.

Suppose the C function is hello(int *world) and that it increments the value of the world parameter. Then to call this function in Splus/ R:

world <- 5
.C(symbol.C("hello"), as.integer(world))
Hence, when using .C, a list of the modified values of all parameters that are passed into a C function is returned to Splus/ R.

The type casting applies in the same way as for Windows.

To dynamically unload any loaded shared libraries, just use



This no longer needs to be done explicitly in Splus 5. Just start a normal Splus session in the directory where the shared library is stored and it will be automatically loaded. Easy! And there is no need to dynamically unload shasred libraries. (Though you still need to keep in mind the Splus to C conversion of types in the above table.)


Venables, W. N. & Ripley, B. D. (1994) Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus (2nd ed.) New York: Springer Verlag.

R Development Core Team (2000) Writing R Extensions

Becker, R. A., Chambers J. M., Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language California: Cole Advanced Books & Software.

Navia, J. (1998) LCC-Win32 User's Manual

Roncalli, T. (?) Creating DLLs for GAUSS Using LCC-Win32

Sheffi, (1985) Urban Transportation Networks Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University, (?) Dynamic Loading in Splus

Document originally written by T. Duong in 2001, cosmetic updates June 2010, July 2024.