library(ks) library(colorspace) library(RColorBrewer) library(maps) ## colour function pt.col <- function(pos=1, alpha=1, ...) {return(paste0(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"), format(as.hexmode(round(alpha*255,0)), width=2))[pos])} ## Pacific map <- function(xlim, ylim, col=grey(0, 1), mar=c(0,0,0,0), interior=FALSE, lty=3, ...) { if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(85, 305) if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(-70, 70) map("world2", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=col, mar=mar, interior=interior, lty=lty, ...) box() } ## plot parameters par(oma=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(0,0,0), mar=c(0,0,0,0), cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2) xlim <- c(85, 305) ylim <- c(-70, 70) ## prepare data data(quake) ## Restrict to approximate Pacific Ring of Fire quake <- quake[quake$prof==1,] ## translate to [-180,180] -> [0,360] longitude quake$long[quake$long<0] <- quake$long[quake$long<0] + 360 quake <- quake[, c("long", "lat")] ## tectonic plate boundaries data(plate) plate <- plate[plate$long < -20 | plate$long > 20,] plate$long[plate$long<0 & !$long)] <- plate$long[plate$long<0 & !$long)] + 360
## Fig 1.3 ## scatter plot lines(plate[,1:2], col=pt.col(2, alpha=0.5), lwd=2) points(quake, cex=0.7, pch=16, col=pt.col(4,alpha=0.3))
## Fig 6.9 ## first principal components + rug plot pca.quake <- princomp(quake) U <- eigen(var(quake))$vectors lambda <- eigen(var(quake))$values pca.quake.scores <- as.matrix(quake) %*% U pca.quake.scores <- sweep(pca.quake.scores, 2, apply(pca.quake.scores, 2, min)) pca.quake.scores <- sweep(pca.quake.scores, 2, apply(pca.quake.scores, 2, max), FUN="/") lines(plate[,1:2], col=pt.col(2, alpha=0.5), lwd=2) points(quake, cex=0.7, pch=16, col=pt.col(4,alpha=0.3)) points(pca.quake$center[1], pca.quake$center[2], col=1, pch=16) arrows(x0=pca.quake$center[1], y0=pca.quake$center[2], x1=pca.quake$center[1]-0.015*lambda[1]*U[1,1], y1=pca.quake$center[2]-0.015*lambda[1]*U[2,1], length=0.1, lwd=2) arrows(x0=pca.quake$center[1], y0=pca.quake$center[2], x1=pca.quake$center[1]-0.015*lambda[2]*U[1,2], y1=pca.quake$center[2]-0.015*lambda[2]*U[2,2], length=0.1, lwd=2) rug(pca.quake.scores[,1]*0.9*diff(range(quake$long)) + min(quake$long), lwd=2, col=pt.col(10, alpha=0.1))
## Fig 6.10 ## kernel density ridge dr.quake <- kdr(x=quake, xmin=c(70,-70), xmax=c(310, 80), verbose=TRUE) lines(plate[,1:2], col=pt.col(2, alpha=0.5), lwd=2) points(dr.quake$end.points, cex=0.5, pch=16, col=pt.col(10,alpha=1))