Research interests
Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications (2018) with J.E. Chacón, Chapman & Hall/CRC. URL:
Bayesian hierarchical models for the prediction of the driver flow and passenger waiting times in a stochastic carpooling service (2022)
with P. Papoutsis et al.
Journal of Applied Statistics
50, 1310 - 1333.
A New Nearest Neighbor Median Shift Clustering for Binary Data
with G. Beck, M. Lebbah, H. Azzag.
ICANN 2021: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning, pp. 101 - 112
Relaxing door-to-door matching reduces passenger waiting times: A workflow for the analysis of driver GPS traces in a stochastic carpooling service (2021)
with P. Papoutsis, S. Fennia et al.
Transportation Engineering
4, 100061.
A Big Data platform for enhancing life imaging activities (2019)
with L. Abidi et al.
In J. Darmont and S. Loudcher, eds,
Utilizing Big Data Paradigms for Business Intelligence, pp. 39 - 71.
A distributed approximate nearest neighbors algorithm for efficient large scale mean shift clustering (2019)
with G. Beck et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
134, 128 - 139.
Tail density estimation for exploratory data analysis using kernel methods (2019)
with B. Beranger, S.E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S.A. Sisson.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
31, 144 - 174.
Mean-shift : Clustering scalable et distribué (in French) (2018)
with G. Beck, H. Azzag, M. Lebbah, C. Cérin.
EGC 2018: Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 415 - 425.
A complete data science workflow for insurance field (2018)
with M. Ghesmoune, M. Lebbah, H. Azzag, S. Benbernou, M. Ouziri.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data,
1925 - 1930.
Big Data: from collection to visualization (2017)
with M. Ghesmoune, H. Azzag, S. Benbernou, M. Lebbah, M. Ouziri.
Machine Learning
106, 837 - 862.
The ocean has depth: two- versus three-dimensional use estimators in a demersal reef fish (2017)
with K. Lee, C. Huveneers, R.G. Harcourt.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
572, 223 - 241.
Distributed mean shift clustering with approximate nearest neighbours (2016)
with G. Beck, H. Azzag, M. Lebbah.
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3110 - 3115.
Non-parametric smoothed estimation of multivariate distribution and survival functions, and receiver operating characteristic curves (2016)
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
45, 33 - 50.
Nearest neighbour estimators of density derivatives, with application to mean shift clustering (2016)
with G. Beck, H. Azzag, M. Lebbah.
Pattern Recognition Letters
80, 224 - 230.
Efficient recursive algorithms for functionals based on higher order derivatives of the multivariate Gaussian density (2015)
with J.E. Chacón.
Statistics and Computing
25, 959 - 974.
R script file.
Spherically symmetric multivariate beta family kernels (2015)
Statistics and Probability Letters
104, 141 - 145.
Joint modeling and registration of cell populations in cohorts of high-dimensional flow cytometric data (2014)
with S. Pyne et al.
9, e100334.
A novel organelle map framework for high-content cell morphology analysis in high throughput (2014)
with K. Schauer et al.
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
19, 317 - 324.
Data-driven density estimation, with applications to nonparametric clustering and bump hunting (2013)
with J.E. Chacón.
Electronic Journal of Statistics
7, 499 - 532.
Local significant differences from nonparametric two-sample tests (2013)
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
25, 635 - 645.
Studying intracellular trafficking pathways with probabilistic density maps (2013)
with K. Schauer, C.S. Gomes-Santos, B. Goud.
Methods in Cell Biology 118, 326 - 343.
First closed-form density based framework for automatic detection for cellular morphology changes (2012)
with B. Goud, K. Schauer.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
109, 8382 - 8387.
Unconstrained pilot selectors for smoothed cross validation (2011)
with J.E. Chacón.
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
53, 331 - 351.
Asymptotics for general multivariate kernel density derivative estimators (2011)
with J.E. Chacón, M.P. Wand.
Statistica Sinica
21, 807 - 840.
Multivariate plug-in bandwidth selection with unconstrained pilot bandwidth matrices (2010)
with J.E. Chacón.
Test 19, 375 - 398.
Ezrin tunes T cell activation by controlling Dlg1 and microtubule positioning at the immunological synapse (2010)
with R. Lasserre et al.
EMBO Journal
29, 2301 - 2314.
Probabilistic density maps to study global endomembrane organization (2010)
with K. Schauer et al.
Nature Methods
7, 560 - 567.
Chromosome arm length and nuclear constraints determine the dynamic relationship of yeast subtelomeres (2010)
with P. Thérizols, B. Dujon, E. Fabre, C. Zimmer.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
107, 2025 - 2030.
Highest density difference region estimation with application to flow cytometric data (2009)
with I. Koch, M.P. Wand.
Biometrical Journal
3, 504 - 521.
High-resolution statistical mapping reveals gene territories in live yeast
Nature Methods (2008)
with A.B. Berger et al.
5, 1031 - 1037.
Feature significance for multivariate kernel density estimation (2008)
with A. Cowling, I. Koch, M.P. Wand.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
52, 4225 - 4242.
ks: Kernel density estimation and kernel discriminant analysis for multivariate data in R (2007)
Journal of Statistical Software
21(7), 1 - 16.
Feature significance for multivariate data and kernel density estimation (2006)
with A. Cowling, I. Koch, M.P. Wand.
In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Nonparametric Statistical Analysis and Related Areas, Keio University, Tokyo, 27-28 March 2006, 34 - 42.
Cross-validation bandwidth matrices for multivariate kernel density estimation (2005)
with M.L. Hazelton.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
32, 485 - 506.
Convergence rates for unconstrained bandwidth matrix selectors in multivariate kernel density estimation (2005)
with M.L. Hazelton.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
93, 417 - 433.
Plug-in bandwidth selectors for bivariate kernel density estimation (2003)
with M.L. Hazelton.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
15, 17 - 30.
Efficient day-to-day
simulation of traffic systems with applications to pre-trip information
with M.L. Hazelton.
In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems [CD-ROM].
Ph.D. thesis
- Interaction of abstract and concrete questions for kernel estimators. Theoretical and Applied Statistics Laboratory (LSTA), University Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France, 27 Nov 2012.
- Quantitative statistical analysis of biological experimental data. Institut Curie, Paris, France, Mar 2010.
- Statistical reconstruction of yeast nuclear organisation.
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, Oct 2008.
- A tour of kernel smoothing.
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, Oct 2007.
- Estimating highest density
difference regions using generalised chi-squared tests. Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA. Nov 2006.
- Convergence rates for unconstrained bandwidth matrix selectors in
multivariate kernel density estimation.
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Aug 2006.
Feature significance for multivariate kernel density estimation.
- Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, July 2006.
- Australian Statistics Conference/ New Zealand Statistical Association
Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2006.
- University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, May 2006.
Software for multivariate kernel smoothing
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Sept 2005.
Bandwidth selectors for multivariate kernel density estimation
- Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Mar 2005.
- Université Laval, Québec, Canada,
Aug 2004.
- Université de Montréal, Montréal,
Canada, Aug 2004.
- Applications of
bivariate kernel density estimators Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia, Dec 2003.
Plug-in bandwidth selectors for
bivariate kernel density estimation
- University of Western Australia, Australia, May 2002
- International Conference on Current Advances and
Trends in Non-parametric Statistics, Crete, Greece, July 2002
- Oxford University, United Kingdon, May 2003.
- Efficient day-to-day simulation of
traffic systems with applications to pre-trip information,
8th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia,
Oct 2001.
- An introduction to kernel density
University of Western Australia,
Australia, May 2001.
- Testing food-intake hypotheses using the ABS National Nutrition
Survey. Workshop on Sample Surveys and Social and Economic Statistics,
University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, June 2000.
Web documents